First Reading: (Isaiah 56:1.6-7). God’s house is open to all those who worship with sincerity.
Second Reading: (Rom 11:13-15, 29-32). God never takes back his gifts. Those who return to him are sure of obtaining mercy.
Gospel: (Mt 15:21-28). The story of a pagan woman who had extraordinary faith in Christ, and how that faith was rewarded.
One theme of the First Reading and the Gospel is that of inclusiveness. At the time Isaiah was writing there were many foreigners in Israel. The question arose as to whether or not the benefits of salvation should be extended to them. Isaiah gave a clear and positive answer: ’ “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the peoples,” says the Lord.’
The early Church faced a similar problem with regard to the Gentiles. Matthew sees Jesus as having broken down the barrier between Jew and Gentile. Even though his own mission was restricted to Israel, Jesus did reach out to individual Gentiles such as the Canaanite woman. Hence, after the resurrection of Jesus, the early Church extended its mission to the Gentiles.