Richard Houwing

Thank you for visiting our website. Be sure to visit our Home Page and the menu items above. In creating this site our goals were to make information and news about our Parish  more readily available. In the process we tried to update and incorporate relevant information from the older website with modern components that we felt would be useful. For example, we have –

  • News posts on happenings and spiritual resources,
  • An Emergency Page with useful links and phone numbers for mental health, family or social issues,
  • Twitter feeds from Pope Francis and our Diocese of Broken Bay,
  • Automated weekly Bulletins delivered to your email in box,
  • Audio Podcasts from overseas,
  • Video from Youth night, sample videos from the DVD series Catholicism,
  • Booking forms.

In time, we may include additional new and exciting technologies.

As a team, we have endeavoured to ensure we are religiously and grammatically correct. All pages have been reviewed, but occasionally, given the dynamic nature of websites, errors get published. The responsibility of the website rests with me (see apology below) so please direct any concerns to me rather than other Parish staff.

I’m sure I missed something or we may have expressed something incorrectly. Maybe there is something that does not work the way it should. Sorry. It’s all my fault. What can I say. I have a fallibility gene. Please let me know the error of my ways in the form below.

We are receptive to any ideas that you may have for inclusions in the website. Please let us know through the form below and, if practical and consistent with how we anticipate this medium should be used in our Parish, we will include it. This is subject to resources and time availability.

Costs and Copyright
This website has been built using volunteer resources at no charge to the Parish. Some copyright images have been purchased at cost from photo libraries like iStock or Shutterstock. We believe all other content to be in the public domain or provided copyright free by parishioners. Please advise me below if there are any concerns and we will correct.

Richard Houwing


Website Comment form

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Pope Francis on Twitter

Archive of News

Parish News Categories

St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427  

Comments for Webmaster.