First Reading: (Isaiah 22:19-23). Here we read about one man being dismissed from high office, and the keys of authority are passed to another. The New Testament applies this text to Jesus.
Second Reading: (Rom 11:33-36). This is a hymn of praise to the wisdom of God, which is far too deep for us to fathom.
Gospel: (Mt 16:13-20). This contains Peter’s declaration of faith in Jesus, and Jesus’ promise to make him the rock on which he will build his Church.
Matthew is writing his Gospel for one of the earliest Christian communities, and for all who will follow after them. Today’s reading shows that the leadership and primacy of Peter was already established in the infant church.
In giving authority to Peter – who recognised his own weakness and sin (Lk 5.8), the one who was to deny him (Mk 14.66-72; Lk 22.54-62) – Jesus shows that he was establishing his Church not on human strength, but on his own divine love and faithfulness. The Church’s true foundation is Christ himself. The Pope, the first Shepherd of God’s people, the Successor of Peter, is always the servant of Christ.
Do I say with Peter: “you are the Christ, the son of the living God”? This is the message of the Gospel; this is the faith of the Church.