First Reading (Is 60:1-6). The prophet cheers the exiles who returned from Babylon with a vision of a restored city. The prophecy is fulfilled in Christ and in the new Israel, the Church.
Second Reading (Eph 3:2-3, 5-6). St Paul expresses the theological meaning of the feast: God invites Jew and Gentile to share the salvation brought by Christ. The feast shows that election by God is not a privilege for some, but a gift for all.
Gospel (Mt 2:1-12). Three Gentile Magi came from a far country to pay homage to the Christ-child, while the Jewish leaders rejected him. The Magi can serve as models for us on our faith journey. When they found Christ they offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Their hearts are awakened and burst into life. The Magi return home changed and enriched by their encounter with Christ. When we find Christ and offer our love to him, he will help us to open up the treasures of goodness that lie buried within us, so that we can offer ‘gifts’ to our brothers and sisters.