First Reading (Gen 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18). This reading shows how complete was Abraham’s obedience to God.
Second Reading (Rom 8:31-34). Since God is on our side, we can face anything.
Gospel (Mk 9:2-10). On Mount Tabor three apostles of Jesus experience a glimpse of the glory that was his as the Son of God.
To know that nothing can separate us from the love of God is our strength in times of weakness and our hope in times of adversity. In the face of pain, all we have to do is abandon ourselves to his care.
During Lent, we are encouraged to take the opportunity, through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, to renew our relationship with God and prepare for the great celebration of Easter.
Like Jesus on Tabor, we too can experience moments of light and joy. We get glimpses of the promised homeland of heaven towards which we are travelling in faith. In his love for us, God allows us to taste on earth the joys of the world to come.