Reflection on the Word:
First Reading (Acts 2:1-11). Luke describes the descent of
the Holy Spirit on the apostles, and the effect it had on
Second Reading (1 Cor 12:3-7, 12-13). The Holy spirit
gives different gifts to different people, for the good of the
Church, the body of Christ.
Gospel (John 20:19-23). The risen Jesus gives the gift of
the Holy Spirit to his disciples and inaugurates the mission
of the Church.
Today is the birthday of the Church.
At Pentecost, the Church is not formed by human will, but
by the power of the Spirit of God. The disciples, gathered
with Mary, are set on fire by the powerful love of the Holy
The Church receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom,
understanding, right judgement, courage, knowledge,
reverence, holy fear (awe) in God’s presence. And, by
God’s grace, she reflects the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity,
gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and
In the event of Pentecost, it is made clear that many
languages and cultures make up the Church. St Luke
clearly wants to convey a fundamental reality: that is, at
the birth of the Church it is already “catholic,” universal.
She speaks all languages from the very beginning, because
the Gospel that is entrusted to her is destined for all
peoples, according to the will of the risen Christ.
(cf. Matthew 28:19).