What happens to my story and recommendations after I’ve shared it?

Online and postal responses are being collected and collated by the National Centre for Pastoral Research. A team highly skilled in social and pastoral research and qualitative analysis, led by Dr Trudy Dantis, receives and keeps every individual response.

Early in 2019, Dr Dantis and her team will begin a deep analysis – a methodical “listening” to all responses. The stories that have been shared, the questions that have been asked and the reflections on “What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?” will be read and analysed. The team will use both quantitative and qualitative methods for their analysis. In this process, in order to read without bias, the responses are separated from the person’s name and organisation or any other details that might identify the source of the response.

When the first stage of analysis is complete (May 2019), the themes that have emerged will become the platform for the next stage in our preparation toward the Plenary Council: Thematic Dialogue and Discernment. The responses we are receiving in 2018 during this Open Listening and Dialogue stage are shaping the program for the Plenary Council in 2020.

An extract from the Plenary Council Newsletter, October 4, 2018. More insight on the FAQ page at the Plenary Council web page.