The Shepherd’s Calling – Read Psalm 23.
“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want” (verse 1).
Remembering the context of the time when the psalmist wrote this beautiful prayer, shepherding was a common profession. The shepherd provided everything that the sheep needed to survive. The sheep trusted the shepherd for everything.
The sheep were actually dependent upon the shepherd and followed obediently. The sheep even recognised the sound of the shepherd’s voice and would respond to his voice only.
Even if many shepherds would call to the sheep,
the sheep were obedient only to their shepherd.
Do you recognise the voice of your shepherd among
all the other voices in the world – among all the other voices claiming your time, energy, money, love, and devotion?
Do you hear God whispering into your heart how much He loves you? Do you hear God saying, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)? Do you hear your shepherd calling?
(Source: Connecting the dots: Catholic devotionals)