We are reminded that May is the month dedicated to Mary, whom we honour as the first disciple, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. We recognise Mary as the one who listened and responded to the call of God.
Remember we pray the Rosary from 9.05am each weekday morning (before the 9.30am Mass), and immediately after the 8.00am Mass on Saturday.

This Monday (13th May) marks the 102nd anniversary of Mary’s first appearance to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima. It was there that the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary appeared on six occasions in 1917.

On 24th May we celebrate the feast day of Mary, Help of Christians, Patron Saint of Australia. This feast day was instituted by Pope Pius VII in 1815, in thanksgiving for the
deliverance of the Holy See from the tyranny of Napoleon.

In the same way, we pray for Mary’s intercession that God would continue to bless and protect our parish and our families.