First Reading (Proverbs 8:22-31). This reading in praise of the wisdom of God can be seen as a moving towards the revelation of the mystery of the Trinity.
Second Reading (Romans 5:1-5). Christ made possible for us a relationship of love with God. This gives us the hope and sustains us in time of suffering. The Holy Spirit helps us to recognize God’s love for us.
Gospel (John 16:12-15). The Holy Spirit helps the Church to grasp the full meaning of all Jesus said, especially what he said about the Father.

In biblical times it was common for wisdom to be personified in the feminine. The Second Reading and the Gospel are chosen because they specifically mention the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, and the role of each Person in our salvation.
Paul stresses the role of Christ in our salvation. Through him hostility and alienation are overcome, and we are able to enter into relationship with the Father. Therefore, we can hope to share God’s glory. This sure hope will enable us to persevere in spite of suffering. Through the Holy Spirit God’s love is poured into our hearts.
The Gospel stresses the role of the Spirit – carrying on in the Church the work of Jesus after Jesus has departed to the Father. There will be no further revelation. There can’t be, because Jesus is the revelation of the Father. The role of the Spirit will be to enlighten successive generations to the contemporary significance of what Jesus said and did.