First reading (Isaiah 66:18–21). The prophet Isaiah speaks for the Lord God saying: “I am coming to gather the nations of every language”, even those of the far distant islands. All peoples of the world will share in Israel’s blessings.
Second reading (Hebrews 12:5–7, 11–13). Just as a good parent instructs their child in love, so too we can expect that the Lord will train, reprimand and even punish us so that we may bear fruit in peace and goodness,” and grow strong in the Spirit.
Gospel (Luke 13:22–30). As if to fulfil the words of Isaiah, Jesus says that people will come “from East and West, from North and South, to take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God.” God wills that all people should be saved. The kingdom of God is present among us and the narrow door, by which we enter, is open.
For his disciples, Jesus himself is the door through which we must enter. In the Gospel of St John, Jesus says: “I am the gate, whoever enters by me will be saved.” (John 10.9)
Entering the kingdom does not come by a superficial acquaintance with the Master. Rather, salvation depends on the favour and mercy of God. For our part, we are to repent and turn our hearts to a life of true conversion and discipleship.