First Reading (Sirach or Ecclesiasticus 3:2-6, 12-14).
This is a brief commentary on the commandment: Honour your father and your mother. Too often we think of this commandment merely in terms of obedience on the part of younger children. This reading stresses the obligation of grown children to care for their aged parents.
Second Reading (Colossians 3:12-21). This beautiful passage describes the atmosphere that should reign in a Christian community and in a Christian home. The virtues mentioned are designed to build and foster community. Love is singled out as the most important one of all.
Gospel (Matthew 2:13-15,19-23).
The Gospel story is coloured by the story of Moses in Egypt. Just as Moses had to be rescued from Pharoah, Jesus had to be rescued from
Herod. The story also contains echoes of the Exodus. Matthew sees Jesus as reliving the history of his people. Even though the evangelist’s intentions are theological, he does cast the Holy Family as displaced persons and homeless refugees.