Video from Rev Fr David Ranson.
Letter from St Vincent de Paul confirming that all funds will go to those in need from the Bushfires.
Special collection
A Special Collection will be held next weekend (25/26 January) to raise funds for the Vinnies Bushfire Appeal. Donations can be made in cash on the day or online at www.bushfireappeal.com.au Donations raised will go to people directly impacted by the bushfires. For more information please see the Diocesan website www.bbcatholic.org.au/give/bushfires/resources
Eternal God,
In wisdom and love you created our earth to sustain us and give us life.
We turn to you now in faith, hope and love,
asking you to look with favour
on our fire-ravaged and drought-stricken land,
on our starving and displaced animals,
on our failing crops and burning farms, towns and forests.
Strengthen, sustain and give new heart to our farmers and to all who are affected by drought; be with those who support them.
Strengthen and comfort the victims of the fires,
those who have lost family, friends, property and stock.
Protect our volunteer firefighters and all members of essential services.
In your loving providence,
send abundant rain to quench the fires and to restore our parched earth.
Father of all compassion,
hear our prayer through Jesus Christ your Son,
in whom the promise of new life has dawned, and
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
the Lord the giver of life:
Renew your faithful people;
Renew the face of the earth.
Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Mary, help of Christians –
Pray for us.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop –
Pray for us.