30 December, 2020.
In recent days, the NSW Premier and Chief Health Officer have announced that the 1 person per 4 square metre restriction for places of worship and hospitality venues will remain in place until further notice in the Greater Sydney area.
As the limit on the number of people we can have in our Church for Mass or in our Hall remains at 100 people at present, we have decided to postpone the farewell events for Fr Paul, Fr Harry and Deacon Sam until the Sunday closest to the Feast of St Agatha – 7th February – by which time, we hope the restrictions will have eased.
Therefore, we will be cancelling all bookings for the Sunday, 3rd January Farewell Lunch at this time. All who had booked to attend the Farewell Lunch were notified earlier today. There is no need to take any action and we apologise for any inconvenience.
A new event for lunch after the 10:30 am Mass on 7th February (subject to Government restrictions) will be set up in Trybooking and registrations will open online two weeks prior (24th January) as will bookings for Masses on the weekend of 6th & 7th February.
Thank you for your understanding.
God Bless.
We wish you and your family a very Happy New Year,
Members of the Parish Pastoral Council & Parish Team