First Reading (Acts 8:5-8.14-17). We learn about the joy and enthusiasm with which the Samaritans received the Gospel. Second Reading (1 Peter 3:15-18). Peter encourages Christians to remain steadfast under pressure in their attachment to Christ. Gospel (John 14:15-21). To love Christ is to listen to his words and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to put them into practice in our lives.
We can’t truly call ourselves disciples of Jesus if we don’t listen to his words and make an effort to live by them:
Let the light of your goodness shine before people.
Love your enemies.
Give generously.
Forgive those who sin against you.
Clean the inside of cup and dish, and the outside will become clean too.
See that your minds and hearts are clean.
Take this bread and eat it. Take this cup and drink it. Do this in memory of me.
And love one another, the way I have loved you.