Courage of the Cross

The background to today’s Gospel reading is Jesus’ selection of the twelve apostles and the instructions he gives them for their mission. It warns them – and any of us who would be Jesus’ disciples – about the opposition they would face. Although permeated by ominous references, Jesus’ teaching is affirmative. The apostles are to speak out boldly; whatever human beings may threaten to do, they are not to be afraid. Many centuries before Jesus, the prophet Jeremiah demonstrated this by his life and words. All the same, there is an appropriate fear – ‘holy awe’ for the one who has ultimate power over life and death. In our world today, in which religious persecution is rife, this is timely teaching. With the Psalmist we pray: Lord, in your compassion turn towards me; in your great love, answer me. Mary MacKillop (St Mary of the Cross) offers us this advice which complements today’s reading: “Whatever troubles may be before you, accept them bravely, remembering whom you are trying to follow. Do not be afraid. Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide your life. God will reward you as only He can.