What’s on in our area

Salesian Missions Emergency Flood Relief Assistance for Cambodia, Myanmar & India. Visit www.salesianmissionaustralia.org.au Volunteer Overseas The Cagliero Project 2020. Applications close 15th October. www.cagliero.org.au Billings LIFE Natural Fertility...

Thanks from the School

Earn & Learn St Agatha’s P&F would like to thank all parishioners who helped in making sure Woolworth’s Earn and Learn went well! Our school has already begun purchasing items like mini whiteboards for the classrooms and various sports equipment with the...

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Magnificat praises the loyal and merciful God, who carries out his design of salvation with the little ones and the poor, with those who have faith in Him, who trust his Word, like Mary.” “On the feast of the...

19th Sunday, Ordinary Time Yr C

First reading (Wisdom 18:6-9). Just as God delivered the Jewish people in Egypt, so he will save those who put their trust in him. Second reading (Hebrew 11:1-2, 8-19). We are called to imitate the faith of the patriarchs, especially that of Abraham, ‘our father in...
Addressing historical Child Sexual Abuse:

Addressing historical Child Sexual Abuse:

A letter to the people of Broken Bay Diocese from Rev David Ranson and prayer. Carl Stafford, a retired priest of our Diocese, has entered a guilty plea to offences related to historical Child Sexual Abuse involving victims during his time as a lay teacher in Campbelltown and when he was a priest ministering in the Diocese of Broken Bay.

Pope Francis & compassion.

Pope Francis & compassion.

Pope Francis on Atheists. Pope Francis on Reconciliation. Pope Francis Asks Chicago Teen to Sing for Him: Part 1 | Moderated by David Muir | ABC News Pope Francis Calls Los Angeles Mother a ‘Brave Woman’: Part 2 | Moderated by David...

13th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr C

The First Reading (1 Kings 19:16,19-21) relates to the call of Elisha. By throwing his cloak over him Elijah was symbolising the transfer of power. We see how total was the response of Elisha. In slaughtering the oxen and burning the plough, he was precluding a return...

“Let no one mourn that he or she has fallen again and again: for in Jesus forgiveness has risen from the grave!” St. John Chrysostom “What has He done for me? He has loved me and given me His whole self. What shall I do for Him? I shall love Him and give myself to Him...
First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion

We express the appreciation of the parish to Tina Muscat (Sacramental Coordinator) and the group leaders. Congratulations to the children who made their First Holy Communion last Sunday. May this be a time of great blessing for them. May they come often with their...

First Friday Adoration

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held next Friday, 5th July. There will be Adoration in the Church after the 9.30am Mass until 10.00pm. You are invited to commit to 30-60mins when you are willing to attend adoration on this day. Sign-up sheet in foyer. 6-7pm...