Peter’s Pence Collection

Next week, we are joining with others across the world by taking up a collection for the charitable works and structures of mercy identified by Pope Francis. The funds, which are sent to the Vatican, are then distributed across the world to support victims of war,...

Pew Refurbishment

Two pew sections will be removed from the church next week to enable the trialling of the two pew finishes under consideration. We expect to have these back in 3 to 4 weeks for inspection and comment by all interested. In the mean time the two gaps created are to be...

Sacrament of Anointing

The Parish pastoral care team visit the retirement villages and nursing homes at least 3 times a year to offer comfort and healing through the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. We also offer 3 opportunities per year for parishioners who live in private homes to...

Pentecost Letter from Fr David Ranson

There is a perspective in theology that regards the event of Pentecost as the birth of the Church. On this day, the Spirit is poured out on the disciples. They are released from their disillusionments and their fears; they are enSpirited and emboldened to go out and to preach the Good News that the life of Christ is more powerful than death, that the self-sacrifice of his love has overpowered the forces of selfishness and suspicion, that the future stretches out beyond us as a constant invitation full of possibility. Our dead-ends have become new beginnings; our sunsets have been changed into dawns.

Youth Group every second Friday evening in Term 2. Next one, Friday 28th June. Year 10+, Young Adults (St. Agatha’s Office) every second Sunday evening in Term 2. For any inquiries, contact

The sign of the cross reminds us of the Trinity which resides in us, of God’s name and of our commitment to the faith from the moment of baptism. Benedict XVI “Most Blessed Trinity of love For whom the human heart was made, To You be praise in timeless song, And...

Sacrament of Confirmation Program 2019

Any parent with children in Yr 2 – Yr 6 wanting to enrol their child/children in the Sacramental program for Confirmation, may pick up an enrolment form from the parish office during office hours or from the foyer of the Church. Please return the completed enrolment...
Living Bread

Living Bread

Jesus said: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I live in them.” (John 6:53-56). The following terms reflect the layers of meaning of the...

Becoming Catholic

We are looking to host a short 6 week course in July and August for adults who have been baptised Catholic or Christian and are interested in receiving other Sacraments to bring them into full Communion with the Catholic Church. If you or anyone you know may be in...

Mount St Benedict Centre Final Clearance Sale

To be held next Saturday, 22nd June from 9am – 3pm at the Mount St Benedict Centre at 449D Pennant Hills Road, Pennant Hills (access via Hull Road). Furniture, artwork, bric-a-brac, vases, crockery, cutlery, and much more. All sale proceeds will be donated to...

The Holy Trinity, Year C

First Reading (Proverbs 8:22-31). This reading in praise of the wisdom of God can be seen as a moving towards the revelation of the mystery of the Trinity. Second Reading (Romans 5:1-5). Christ made possible for us a relationship of love with God. This gives us the...
Comment by Lana Turvey-Collins

Comment by Lana Turvey-Collins

Listening, dialogue and prayer have carried us to this point. It is a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit that the Church in Australia has reached this point in the journey toward the Plenary Council. As we begin the second stage of preparation – Listening and...

Youth happenings

Youth Group every second Friday evening
in Term 2. Next one, Friday 14th June.
Year 10+, Young Adults (St. Agatha’s Office)
every second Sunday evening in Term 2.

Saints and Feast Days

Monday, 10th June – The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church Tuesday, 11th June – Saint Barnabas Thursday, 13th June – Saint Anthony of Padua Sunday, 16th June – The Most Holy Trinity

Pentecost Sunday, Year C

On Pentecost day the apostles spoke a new language. What was this new language? It was the language of peace rather than of war; the language of cooperation rather than of competition; the language of forgiveness rather than of vengeance; the language of hope rather...