by Richard Houwing | 7 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
Heavenly Father and Eternal Shepherd, you watch over and govern your flock with vigilance and concern. In your immense love, grant to your Church a pastor who will please you by his holiness and aid us with his unfailing care. In your time, grant us the joy of...
by Richard Houwing | 7 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin, Plenary
Year of Discernment After 10 months of Listening and Dialogue and a period of analysis and prayerful discernment, the National Themes for Discernment for the Plenary Council 2020 are being announced at Pentecost – this weekend. Find out more at:...
by Richard Houwing | 7 Jun, 2019 | Quote for the Week
“The Church of Christ is always, so to speak, in a situation of Pentecost: she is always gathered in the Upper Room in prayer, and at the same time, driven by the powerful wind of the Spirit, she is always on the streets preaching.” Pope John Paul II (June 8, 2003)....
by Richard Houwing | 3 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin
Learning together playgroups. Facilitated by early learning educators. Stimulating play & learning activities. All welcome – friendly & inclusive. Phone 94847200 or email All pre-school children, families and carers are welcome....
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
Pope Francis’ video message. It has become the custom of Pope Francis to release a video message detailing his prayer intention for each month. This month he calls us to pray that the Church in Africa may be the seed of unity among her peoples and a sign of hope for the continent.
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
Our parish team have been accompanying David Yu through the RCIA but he was unable to be present at the Easter Vigil. He will receive the 3 Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) today, Sunday 12th May at the 10:30am Mass, to be celebrated...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
We pray for all the mothers of the parish and wish you each a very special day, thanking you for your love and for the important role you play in our families, our church and our society. A mother understands that the love for her children is so like Christ’s love for...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
As a final gesture of love in his own Passion, Jesus turns to his mother, and says to his beloved disciple John: “behold your mother”. And from that time, John (representing all disciples) made a place for her in his heart, in his home. Pope Benedict observes: “Mary...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
We are reminded that May is the month dedicated to Mary, whom we honour as the first disciple, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. We recognise Mary as the one who listened and responded to the call of God. Remember we pray the Rosary from 9.05am each weekday...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
We acknowledge that Mothers’ Day can be a painful and difficult time for some: for those whose mother has died, for those who have lost a child, for those who are estranged from their children or their mother, for those who are experiencing great stress within family...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
121 children are now preparing for this sacrament. Please keep them and their families in your prayers. We wish the group leaders well in their important task.
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
Youth Group meets every second Friday evening in Term 2. Next one, Friday 17th May. Year 10+, Young Adults (St. Agatha’s Office) every second Sunday evening in Term 2. For any inquiries, contact
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
We are all aware of the tragic situation that unfolded in Sri Lanka on Easter morning. Any donations to the Church in Sri Lanka can be made online: or by calling 1800 101 201.
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
We mark the passing of Jean Vanier on 7th May this week. A great humanitarian, catholic theologian and disciple of Jesus. In 1964 he founded L’Arche, a network of communities spread over 37 countries, for people with developmental disabilities and those who...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
Thank you for supporting the CWF Appeal last weekend. Envelopes are still available in the pews if you would like to make a donation. Place CWF envelopes in the 1st or 2nd collection this weekend.
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin, Youth
Join young people (youth & young adults) from the Diocese. Friday, 7th June, 6pm – 9pm, Our Lady of Dolours, Chatswood.
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Bulletin
Vocations Sunday: Good Shepherd Sunday ‘Feed my sheep,’ says Christ to Peter (in last Sunday’s Gospel), and each day he says this to you and me as well. We too, must be the voice and presence of the Good Shepherd – as disciples, and as priests and...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Quote for the Week
The Shepherd’s Calling – Read Psalm 23. “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want” (verse 1). Remembering the context of the time when the psalmist wrote this beautiful prayer, shepherding was a common profession. The shepherd provided everything that the sheep...
by Richard Houwing | 11 May, 2019 | Reflections
First Reading (Acts 13:14, 43-52). Paul and Barnabas preach the Gospel firstly to the Jews who reject it; then they preach it to the Gentiles who receive it with joy. Second Reading (Revelation 7:9, 14-17). This contains a vision of those who will come through times...
by Richard Houwing | 18 Apr, 2019 | Bulletin
A note to wish each parishioner a very happy and blessed Easter. A special note of welcome to any visitor who is with us this Easter. May the celebration of the Easter Liturgy deepen our faith that Jesus is truly risen, and having conquered death, invites us to share...