Coronavirus Prayers 1

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you.In this time of anxiety, we pray for an end to the pandemic.Give us strength to comfort the fearful, to share hope,and to assure the isolated of our love,...

16th Sunday, Year B

First Reading (Jeremiah 23:1-6). The leaders of Israel are made to account for their neglect of the people, but better leaders are promised. Second Reading (Ephesians 2:13-18). By his death Christ broke down the wall between Jews and Gentiles, and united all peoples...

One of the most obvious characteristics of our daily lives is that we are busy. We experience our days as filled with things to do, people to meet, projects to finish, letters to write, calls to make, and appointments to keep. Our lives often seem like over-packed...

Foster Care

Helping children and families cope is a generous Christian gift. To learn more of CatholicCare’s initiatives in this area; please see this letter from Tim Curran and a recent video with the Bishop.

Amoris Laetitia Family Year 2021-2022

Amoris Laetitia Family Year 2021-2022

The second of 10 videos to be released by the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life is now available as part of journeying together as a Church during the year of Amoris Laetitia Family.  This video focuses on how the family is the concrete reality by which we can experience God’s love.  God is a communion of love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the family is an image of that trinitarian love and makes it present in the world today. The video is accompanied by a print resource to be used as an aid to small group or family discussion.

3rd Sunday Easter Yr B

First Reading (Acts 3:13-15, 17-19). Peter boldly proclaims the God News: an early explanation of the Passion and an example of the early witness to the resurrection. Second Reading (1 John 2:1-5). We show that we know God by keeping his commandments. When we fall,...
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post

A feature article by Bishop Anthony Randazzo appeared in this month’s edition of the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Post, a new local newspaper.

— Counting our blessings as we look to future —

When the Holy Father Pope Francis appointed me as the Catholic Bishop of Broken Bay on October 7, 2019, I was honoured and inspired to take up the mission to lead and serve the 215,000 Catholics that live in the geographical territory of this region.

Memory Innovations Centre in Waitara

Professionally run courses designed for seniors to enhance memory and wellbeing. Courses available in cooking, exercise, brain function, art and dance! Have fun, connect with others and use emerging technologies. Carers welcome. Limited places. Ph: Jessica 9481 2659....

Add us as a safe sender

Recently we have encountered issues with Parishioners not receiving the weekly email from us. This is partly because we have been marked as Spam by some of the email providers. This is not uncommon. We will be taking steps to improve our profile, but ask if you could...

Add safe sender in BigPond

How to whitelist St Agatha’s as a safe sender: 1. Login to your Bigpond mail. On the upper right hand of the screen, click on the gear icon that reads “Settings”.   2. On the left, right under SETTINGS, click on “Mail” and then click on “Safe Senders”.  ...