by Richard Houwing | 15 Jan, 2021 | News
We welcome Fr Raphael Kimaro as newly appointed Parish Priest of St Agatha’s. Fr Raphael has been the Administrator of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church in Wyoming from 2018 to December 2020. We also welcome Fr Vincent Musindalo as Assistant Priest. Fr Vincent...
by Richard Houwing | 15 Jan, 2021 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
Pope Francis says, “Fraternity leads us to open ourselves to the Father of all and to see in the other a brother or sister, to share our lives or to support, to love, and to know each other. The Church values God’s action in other religions, without forgetting that for us Christians, the wellspring of human dignity and fraternity, is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
by Richard Houwing | 15 Jan, 2021 | Reflections
First Reading (1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19). The prophet Samuel played a very important role in the history of Israel. Here we have the story of his call by God. Samuel is often quoted: “Speak Lord your servant is listening.” Second Reading (1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20). St...
by Richard Houwing | 30 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
30 December, 2020. In recent days, the NSW Premier and Chief Health Officer have announced that the 1 person per 4 square metre restriction for places of worship and hospitality venues will remain in place until further notice in the Greater Sydney area. As the limit...
by Richard Houwing | 17 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin, News
Postponed – An opportunity to say thanks! Many will be aware that our parish is undergoing some changes. Earlier this year, Fr Harry retired to the Forster region and because of Covid restrictions we were unable to celebrate his contribution to the parish and wish him well. Fr Paul and Deacon Sam are relocating to the nearby Parish of Wahroonga as part of Bishop Anthony’s reorganisation of the Diocese.
by Richard Houwing | 6 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin
To be held on Tuesday, 15 December at 7.30pm. Visiting priests will be joining us. All are encouraged to attend this sacrament of divine mercy in preparation for Christmas.
by Richard Houwing | 6 Dec, 2020 | Reflections
In today’s liturgy we hear again the lonely voice of John the Baptism calling us to prepare a way for the Lord. The First Reading (Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11). The people are urged to prepare a way for the Lord who is coming to save them. The Second Reading (2 Peter 3:8-14)....
by Richard Houwing | 6 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
A message from Fr Paul Durkin Dear Parishioners, On Wednesday evening (2 Dec) Bishop Anthony published the full list of clergy transfers taking effect in January in our Diocese. As most of you will already know, Bishop Anthony has appointed me Parish Priest of Holy...
by Richard Houwing | 15 Nov, 2020 | News
Thank you message from Bishop Anthony Randazzo to Catechists.
by Richard Houwing | 12 Nov, 2020 | Reflections
First Reading (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). This is a poem in praise of the ideal wife. Even though it implies that a woman’s place is in the home, nevertheless, it is a noble tribute to womanhood. By today’s standards, the woman may not be called a talented...
by Richard Houwing | 6 Nov, 2020 | Bulletin, News, Spiritual Resource
… that progress in robotics and AI “be human”
In his video message on his prayer intention for November, Pope Francis emphasizes that progress in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) be oriented “towards respecting the dignity of the person and of Creation”.
by Richard Houwing | 6 Nov, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
I know it is a little American with it’s Thanksgiving theme, but I thought these crafts would be wonderful for the little ones. Could be adapted for Christmas. Special shout out to Mary-Kate fromTeachSundaySchool. Click on the link below…...
by Richard Houwing | 5 Nov, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
Helping families across the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Charitable Works Fund supports five Catholic agencies and ministries, who are at the forefront of helping families and neighbours in our Broken Bay Diocese.Donate to CWF See Bishop Anthony in the video...
by Richard Houwing | 11 Oct, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Women in Leadership Roles in the Church. “We pray that by virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.”...
by Richard Houwing | 11 Oct, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
A Message from Bishop Anthony. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Last Sunday at the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi, our Holy Father Francis signed the third encyclical of his pontificate. It is called “Fratelli tutti” and in the letter, Pope Francis takes up...
by Richard Houwing | 11 Oct, 2020 | Bulletin
How does ‘Fratelli Tutti’ explain Catholic social teaching on economics, migration, and the media? In this video from America – The Jesuit Review, Professor Nathan Schneider of the University of Colorado Boulder joins Colleen Dulle, assistant producer of audio and...
by Richard Houwing | 8 Oct, 2020 | Reflections
First Reading (Isaiah 25:6-10). This image of a banquet describes the blessings God wishes to bestow, not only on Israel, but on all nations. Second Reading (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Paul thanks the Philippians for their support but says that his real strength...
by Richard Houwing | 25 Sep, 2020 | Quote for the Week
Celebrating the Eucharist during the time of the pandemic. In the Rite of the dedication of a new church, the prayer of the Bishop asks that a church be what it should be by its very nature: Make this for ever a holy place. Here may the flood of divine grace overwhelm...
by Richard Houwing | 25 Sep, 2020 | Reflections
First Reading (Ezekiel 18:25-28). Here the prophet is responding to an objection that God is unjust because he punishes or rewards the individual for his own actions, instead of allowing him to rely on the institution of Israel and the promises made to the nation. The...
by Richard Houwing | 25 Sep, 2020 | Coronavirus, News, Spiritual Resource
Some of the best websites to explain the sacrament of Eucharist (or Holy Communion) – for parents, families and children. Together At One Altar is a resource for school-age children in years F-12 in Australia to develop their formation in the Eucharist and assist...