Sunday Prayer Resources

5th Sunday in Lent 2020 Single page resource prepared by Office of Evangelisation. 4th Sunday in Lent 2020 4th Sunday Lent – RESOURCE PREPARED BY THE AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE Specially prepared for at home prayer during Mass suspension. Multi-page...

Lent: a time in the Desert Wilderness An explanation of the ‘desert space’ in front of the altar In the Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent, Jesus is led into the desert wilderness, by the Spirit. For Jesus, as for us during Lent, the desert is: a place of encounter...

4th Sunday Lent

First reading (1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 10-13). This passage tells the story of how Samuel identified and anointed David as the future king of Israel. The story shows the depth of God’s seeing. While people look at appearances, God looks at the heart. This is illustrated...
Masses Suspended

Masses Suspended

Click Here to Subscribe to our Community Email List Click Here to go to Our Coronavirus COVID-19 General Page SUSPENSION OF PUBLIC MASSES IN THE DIOCESE OF BROKEN BAY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE After due consideration of the COVID-19 situation and requirements announced by...
A Season of Prayers

A Season of Prayers

Prayer this Lent The 3 key practices of Lent: prayer fasting almsgiving Do I pray to? praise God, express my love of God, be silent in the loving presence of God, express gratitude, seek forgiveness, ask….. How do I pray? When do I pray? Morning prayer Prayer time...
Lenten Penance

Lenten Penance

In the liturgy and liturgical catechesis of Lent, the reminder of baptism already received or the preparation for its reception, as well as the theme of repentance, renew the entire community along with those being prepared to celebrate the paschal mystery, in which each of the elect will share through the sacraments of initiation. For both the elect and the local community, therefore, the Lenten season is a time of spiritual recollection in preparation for the celebration of the paschal mystery.

Pope’s February prayer intention:

Pope’s February prayer intention:

Hear the cries of migrants Pope Francis on Thursday released a video message accompanying his prayer intention for February, which this month is “Hear the cries of migrants”. In his prayer intention for the month of February 2020, Pope Francis calls the...

The People of God is marked by characteristics that clearly distinguish it from all other religious, ethnic, political, or cultural groups found in history: It is the People of God: God is not the property of any one people. But he acquired a people for himself from...

5th Sunday, Yr A Ordinary Time

First reading (Isaiah 58:7-10). Isaiah speaks about fasting. He tells the people that true fasting (and therefore true religion) is necessarily linked with the practice of justice and with concern for the poor and the needy. Here he assures them that if they follow...
Fr Denis’ Funeral Thank you

Fr Denis’ Funeral Thank you

On Wednesday evening and Thursday of last week, family members, friends, parishioners, visitors, 30+ brother priests and deacons gathered with Bishop Anthony for the funeral liturgies for Fr Denis Callahan. (RIP) Thank you to all those who attended and contributed in...
Lenten Groups 2020

Lenten Groups 2020

Lenten Groups have been suspended as a precaution from the Coronavirus. You can enjoy a personal Lenten reflection through our dedicated personal page.  Learn more.   Unable to be in a group, yet still would like to prepare for Easter? Click here to go to our...
Vale Fr Denis Callahan.

Vale Fr Denis Callahan.

It is with sadness that we share with you that Fr Denis Callahan died peacefully in the early hours of this morning, Friday 31 January 2020 at McQuoin Park, Waitara where he has been resident for the last several years. He was 91 years of age.  A Vigil Mass for Fr...

3rd Sunday Ordinary Time, Yr A

First reading (Isaiah 8:23-9:3). The prophet predicts future liberation for an oppressed people. Second reading (1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17). St Paul launches a passionate appeal for unity in the community at Corinth. Gospel (Matthew 4:12-23). The wonderful prophecy of...

2nd Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A

First Reading (Isaiah 49:3, 5-6). This reading is part of the second Servant Song of Isaiah. It stresses the early call and formation of the servant. God assures him that he will not only lead back Jacob and reassemble and teach Israel, but also be a light for all...
Sunday for the Word of God

Sunday for the Word of God

In preparation for Sunday of the Word of God, which we will celebrate on the weekend of 1st-2nd February, all parishioners are invited to a meeting to reflect on the Bible on Tuesday, 28th January from 10:30-11:30am. Come along and share your favourite Scripture verse or story with us. If interested, click for more info or RSVP to the Parish Office.