A new faith formation series will begin on Wednesday, 19th May from 7:30pm in the Martin Hall. This year we plan to use quality videos and instructional material developed by Symbolon; The Augustine Institute, which is a resource we often draw upon for the RCIA. A sample session video is below.

Acclaimed author, speaker, and theologian Dr Edward Sri leads over 25 of the world’s top experts to clearly and comprehensively explain the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others. Symbolon presenters include Johnnette Benkovic, Patrick Coffin, Jason and Crystalina Evert, Dr Tim Gray, Curtis Martin, Leah Darrow, Chris Stefanick, Teresa Tomeo, Fr Leo Patalinghug, and many more!

This compelling series contains two parts including ten episodes each. In Part 1, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church traced out in the Creed and Catechism with the goal of knowing the Faith. In Part 2, we focus on our encounter with God in the sacraments and the moral life so that we can be fully living the Faith. The video will be supplemented with notes and discussions.

If you are interested in joining in full communion with the Church through the sacraments and would like more information, please call our Office 9484 1427 or review the RCIA page.

Please let us know if you are attending the Faith Formation Evenings by completing the form below.

Evening Format:

Watch the session on DVD.
Small group discussion.
Close meeting with a blessing and a cuppa.

Formation Series enquiry form

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