To celebrate being back together again at Masses after the recent lock down, parishioners are invited to stay for a free sausage sizzle and a cuppa after each of the Masses next weekend, 4th and 5th December. It’s a blessing to be able to attend Mass again in person and this will be an opportunity to reconnect with parishioners you may not have seen for a while. We hope you will be able to join us for a quick bite. We are also looking for volunteers to set up and clean up and serve at each time slot. This would involve arriving about half an hour before a particular Mass and staying for a little while afterwards to help out and enjoy the sausage sizzle with fellow parishioners. Please contact Rosanna Abrams on 0413 624 556 if you may be able to lend a hand. – Frs Raphael, Stephen and Vincent and members of the Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee. NB: COVID Hygiene will be followed in the preparation and service to the best possible standards”