What we have implemented at St Agatha’s Parish
We have now moved to Stage 2, restricting us to 50 persons per Mass. Physical distancing and strict hygiene must be maintained.
We will be celebrating Mass at the following times for the first week in June (these will continue to be live-streamed):
- Monday 1 June – Friday 5 June – 9.30am
- Saturday 6 June – 9.30am
- Sunday 7 June – 10am
Then, from Monday 8 June we will resume our usual parish Mass times at St Agatha’s Church:
Monday to Friday – 6.30am, 9.30am (live-streamed).
Monday, June 8, is a Public Holiday and only a 9:30 am Mass will be celebrated. This will be reflected in the booking system.
- Saturday – 8.30am
- Saturday (Vigil) – 6pm (live-streamed)
- Sunday – 7.30am, 9am, 10.30am, 6pm
- (Note: Sunday 8.30am Mass at Redfield College)
Once a Mass is live-streamed, it is then available on the St Agatha’s YouTube Channel with links on the parish Website.
Registration required when you are attending Mass
You will need to register online for the Mass time you would like to attend so we can keep a record of the names of those who are attending and ensure we only have 50 people per Mass. Click here to register or visit our Home page.
Please do not just turn up, as we need to adhere to these guidelines.
Markings will be on the floor to outline the recommended 1.5 metres and pews will be blocked off to follow social distancing rules. Hand Sanitiser will be at the door of the entry of the Church. Please use going in and out.
As no collection bags are to be used, you can donate in the following ways:
- Put your planned giving contributions and donations directly into the boxes in the foyer. These boxes will be emptied regularly and monitored for security.
- Use our Tap n go machine
- Donate online – www.stagatha.org.au
- Phone the Parish Office to join Planned Giving or to give Credit Card details.
Thank you dearly for your cooperation and support during this time.