by Richard Houwing | 12 Nov, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
Opening of Churches for public Masses. Read more to learn the latest information. This page is constantly updated with the latest Covid-19 information as it relates to our Parish.
by Richard Houwing | 27 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
From Archbishop Anthony Fisher, Catholic Archbishop of Sydney We pray at this time for all affected by the coronavirus:for the dead and the grieving, the sick and the dying;for the elderly and the vulnerable, the isolated and the anxious;for those caring for them, our...
by Richard Houwing | 19 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
To support Bishop Anthony’s wish to continue to connect and engage online with our community during these challenging times, the Evangelisation team launches BAY CONNECT today. This initiative provides an online program of regular activities commencing on 30...
by Richard Houwing | 19 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Sunday 22 August An ecumenical national day of prayer has been organised on Sunday 22 August, calling Australia to come together in prayer in light of the current COVID-19 crisis. It is an initiative of a broad range of Christian communities and includes the...
by Richard Houwing | 19 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
From First Congregational Church of Berkeley, California: O Source of Healing, I place in your hands all people around the world who are sick with COVID. I place in your hands all those caring for them: family and friends, nurses and doctors. I place in your hands all...
by Richard Houwing | 19 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Prayer from St John the Evangelist Parish, Lambton: Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we...
by Richard Houwing | 19 Aug, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you.In this time of anxiety, we pray for an end to the pandemic.Give us strength to comfort the fearful, to share hope,and to assure the isolated of our love,...
by Richard Houwing | 18 Jan, 2021 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Would you like little reminders to help teach the children the basic prayers? Click below the images to download a print-ready file – no charge.
Print and fit into a frame 15 x 20 cm (8 x 6 inch). Frames are available at KMart for around
by Richard Houwing | 30 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
30 December, 2020. In recent days, the NSW Premier and Chief Health Officer have announced that the 1 person per 4 square metre restriction for places of worship and hospitality venues will remain in place until further notice in the Greater Sydney area. As the limit...
by Richard Houwing | 6 Dec, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
A message from Fr Paul Durkin Dear Parishioners, On Wednesday evening (2 Dec) Bishop Anthony published the full list of clergy transfers taking effect in January in our Diocese. As most of you will already know, Bishop Anthony has appointed me Parish Priest of Holy...
by Richard Houwing | 6 Nov, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
I know it is a little American with it’s Thanksgiving theme, but I thought these crafts would be wonderful for the little ones. Could be adapted for Christmas. Special shout out to Mary-Kate fromTeachSundaySchool. Click on the link below…...
by Richard Houwing | 5 Nov, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
Helping families across the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay Charitable Works Fund supports five Catholic agencies and ministries, who are at the forefront of helping families and neighbours in our Broken Bay Diocese.Donate to CWF See Bishop Anthony in the video...
by Richard Houwing | 11 Oct, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
Women in Leadership Roles in the Church. “We pray that by virtue of baptism, the laity, especially women, may participate more in areas of responsibility in the Church.”...
by Richard Houwing | 11 Oct, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
A Message from Bishop Anthony. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Last Sunday at the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi, our Holy Father Francis signed the third encyclical of his pontificate. It is called “Fratelli tutti” and in the letter, Pope Francis takes up...
by Richard Houwing | 25 Sep, 2020 | Coronavirus, News, Spiritual Resource
Some of the best websites to explain the sacrament of Eucharist (or Holy Communion) – for parents, families and children. Together At One Altar is a resource for school-age children in years F-12 in Australia to develop their formation in the Eucharist and assist...
by Richard Houwing | 20 Sep, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, Spiritual Resource
The Kids’ Bulletin is a fun way for Catholic kids to learn about the Faith every week. It has stories about the week’s Gospel, Saint of the Week, Puzzels and is deliverable to your email. You can find each week’s Kids Bulletin on this...
by Richard Houwing | 21 Aug, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
From the Office of the Vicar General, Diocese of Broken Bay. There has recently been some confusion about restrictions in regard to singing in our churches. Some may have seen a recent directive from the NSW Chief Medical Officer in respect to this. The Archbishop of...
by Richard Houwing | 12 Aug, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
A message from our Parish Priest about the closure of the Church. 3:30 pm, Wednesday, 12 August, 2020 (same as an email sent around this time) To the Parishioners of St Agatha’s, Pennant Hills: In response to a visitor proving positive to a Covid-19 infection and as a...
by Richard Houwing | 20 Jul, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus, News
Please find below a link to a letter from Mr Danny Casey, Interim Director of Schools, sent this afternoon to the parish and school community of St Agatha’s, Pennant Hills.
by Richard Houwing | 29 May, 2020 | Bulletin, Coronavirus
What we have implemented at St Agatha’s Parish We have now moved to Stage 2, restricting us to 50 persons per Mass. Physical distancing and strict hygiene must be maintained. We will be celebrating Mass at the following times for the first week in June (these will...