Community Service

During the upcoming school holiday (first two weeks of July) the young girls from Eremeran (Tangara School) and boys from Nairana Study Centre (Redfield School) are offering community service to the Parish and parishioners.

Congratulations to Mal!

Congratulations to Mal (our previous parish secretary) and Richard Weber on the birth of their first grandchild, Charles, born to Gerard and Isabelle. Mother and child doing well! We assure them of our prayers and best wishes.

First Holy Communion

Please keep the 139 children who will be commencing their preparation for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this week and their families in your prayers.

Project Compassion

Thanks to all who once again contributed generously to Project Compassion. A total of $8,169.00 was donated. This money goes to support the urgent work of Caritas Australia. May the Lord bless you for your generosity.

My new post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eros volutpat sodales arcu fusce lectus, etiam conubia, tellus curae in, id auctor enim eleifend etiam. Sem accumsan, id ac dictum. Pellentesque augue erat ridiculus. Etiam auctor, lectus wisi enim volutpat praesent, amet tellus venenatis...