32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

First Reading: (Wis 6:12-16). This sings the praise of wisdom, which can be found by all those who seek it. Second Reading (1 Thess 4:13-18). St Paul consoles his converts at Thessalonika who are worried about the fate of their loved ones who have died before the...

31st Sunday Ordinary Time YrA

First Reading: (Mal 1:14-2:2.8-10). The prophet berates the priests of his day for failing to live up to their calling. Second Reading (1 Thess 2:7-9.13). Paul reminds the Thessalonians of his love and care for them, and how hard he worked to bring them the Good News....

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

First Reading: (Ex 22:20-26). God tells the Israelites that there must be no discrimination against or exploitation of the weak members of their society. Second Reading (1 Thess 1:5-10). Paul encourages the Thessalonians by telling them that their exemplary lives have...

29th Sunday, Ordinary Time

First Reading: (Is 45:1.4-6). The return of the people from the Babylonian exile – a return made possible by King Cyrus – is seen as a sign of God’s love for his people, Israel, and of his lordship over all peoples. Second Reading (1 Thess 1:1-5). Here we...

28th Sunday Year A

First Reading: (Is 25:6-10). This image of a banquet describes the blessings God wishes to bestow, not only on Israel, but on all nations. Second Reading (Phil 4:12-14, 19-20). Paul thanks the Philippians for their support but says that his real strength comes from...

27th Sunday, Ordinary Time.

First Reading: (Is 5:1-7). Israel is compared to a well cared for vineyard which fails to produce fruit. Second Reading: (Phil 4:6-9). St Paul warns the converts at Philippi against anxiety, and advises them as to how they should live in order to enjoy the peace of...

26th Sunday Ordinary Time Year A

In between last Sunday’s parable and today’s reading, much has happened in Matthew’s gospel. Jesus has made his mock triumphal entry into Jerusalem and has cleansed the temple; he has also taught and healed and engaged in the prophetic act of cursing the fig tree. The...

25th Sunday Year A

Today, through the prophet Isaiah (Chapter 55), we hear the Lord say: ‘my ways are not your ways’. However, the text is encouraging because it reminds us ‘our God is rich in forgiving’ and paves the way for today’s Gospel story. ‘Parables usually want to reverse our...
24th Sunday YearA

24th Sunday YearA

Gandhi once famously declared: ” ‘an eye for an eye’ will send the whole world blind!” When we are hurt, we may wish to take revenge on others, to “get even” and to hold onto resentments. Jesus’ command is to forgive. We rely on the grace of...

23rd Sunday Ordianary Time Year A

What responsibility do we have for other’s actions? When is it right and proper to respect others’ freedom to make their own wrong choices? When are we obliged to bring others’ bad behaviour to light? What is the best way to approach someone who we believe needs...

22nd Sunday Ordinary Time

First Reading: (Jer 20:7-9). Even though speaking God’s message to the people has brought Jeremiah nothing but insults, he is unable to remain silent, such is the power of God’s call. Second Reading: (Rom 12:1-2). St Paul urges the Romans not to live like the people...

Happy Fathers’ Day:

We pray God’s blessing on our fathers, grandfathers, godfathers, together with those others who, in various ways, fulfil a father’s role in our families. We pray for all the fathers of the parish and wish you each a very special day, thanking you for your love...

21st Sunday Ordinary Time

First Reading: (Isaiah 22:19-23). Here we read about one man being dismissed from high office, and the keys of authority are passed to another. The New Testament applies this text to Jesus. Second Reading: (Rom 11:33-36). This is a hymn of praise to the wisdom of God,...

20th Sunday Ordinary Time

First Reading: (Isaiah 56:1.6-7). God’s house is open to all those who worship with sincerity. Second Reading: (Rom 11:13-15, 29-32). God never takes back his gifts. Those who return to him are sure of obtaining mercy. Gospel: (Mt 15:21-28). The story of a pagan woman...

Reflection 13 August

First Reading: (1 Kings 19:9,11-13). Fleeing for his life, the prophet Elijah takes refuge in a cave where he encounters God. Second Reading: (Rom 9:1-5). St Paul tells us about the sorrow and anguish he suffers because his fellow Jews refused to accept Christ as the...

The Transfiguration of the Lord

The Transfiguration celebrates the glorious revelation of Jesus Christ as Son of God, and Christ’s manifestation as the fulfilment of the Law and the prophets. Jesus’ radiant appearance on the mountaintop evokes the memory of the devouring fire of the glory of the...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Today’s Readings invite us to re-examine our goals in life. What am I living for? What do I want in life, for myself? For those I love? Is there something still hidden that if I found it I would give everything up for it? Among the broken and unexplored shells, is...

Parable of Sower

Seed was a comparatively expensive commodity in Jesus’ time. Seed is also an extremely weak and vulnerable thing. It depends entirely on the kind of soil in which it is sown…