Prayer sites

Prayer sites

Pray for Ukraine and Russia. Our Bishop Anthony is urging the People of God in the Diocese of Broken Bay to join their prayers with Catholics around the world to pray for the swift end to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.   The Australian Catholic Bishops...
Advent 2021 enrichment

Advent 2021 enrichment

As we count down the days to Christmas during these difficult times, we pray that by meditating on God’s Word in these daily Advent and Christmas reflections, you may be graced with moments of silence to ponder in your heart (cf. Lk 2:19) the many “blessings” in your life—inspiring you in your call to “blessedness” (that is, “holiness”) where true happiness is gained (cf. Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, 64).

Coronavirus Prayers 4

From Archbishop Anthony Fisher, Catholic Archbishop of Sydney We pray at this time for all affected by the coronavirus:for the dead and the grieving, the sick and the dying;for the elderly and the vulnerable, the isolated and the anxious;for those caring for them, our...

Coronavirus Prayers 3

From First Congregational Church of Berkeley, California: O Source of Healing, I place in your hands all people around the world who are sick with COVID. I place in your hands all those caring for them: family and friends, nurses and doctors. I place in your hands all...

Coronavirus Prayers 2

Prayer from St John the Evangelist Parish, Lambton: Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we...

Coronavirus Prayers 1

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you.In this time of anxiety, we pray for an end to the pandemic.Give us strength to comfort the fearful, to share hope,and to assure the isolated of our love,...

Foster Care

Helping children and families cope is a generous Christian gift. To learn more of CatholicCare’s initiatives in this area; please see this letter from Tim Curran and a recent video with the Bishop.

Pope’s prayer intentions for January 2021- video

Pope’s prayer intentions for January 2021- video

Pope Francis says, “Fraternity leads us to open ourselves to the Father of all and to see in the other a brother or sister, to share our lives or to support, to love, and to know each other. The Church values God’s action in other religions, without forgetting that for us Christians, the wellspring of human dignity and fraternity, is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

A Season of Prayers

A Season of Prayers

Prayer this Lent The 3 key practices of Lent: prayer fasting almsgiving Do I pray to? praise God, express my love of God, be silent in the loving presence of God, express gratitude, seek forgiveness, ask….. How do I pray? When do I pray? Morning prayer Prayer time...