by Richard Houwing | 10 Jan, 2020 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
A Special Collection will be held next weekend (25/26 January) to raise funds for the Vinnies Bushfire Appeal. Donations can be made in cash on the day or online at Donations raised will go to people directly impacted by the bushfires.
by Richard Houwing | 18 Dec, 2019 | Bulletin, Special
Bp Anthony’s thoughtful seasonal video message (3.5 mins). Click to view.
by Richard Houwing | 28 Jun, 2019 | Spiritual Resource
Pope Francis on Atheists. Pope Francis on Reconciliation. Pope Francis Asks Chicago Teen to Sing for Him: Part 1 | Moderated by David Muir | ABC News Pope Francis Calls Los Angeles Mother a ‘Brave Woman’: Part 2 | Moderated by David...
by Richard Houwing | 28 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
That those who administer justice may work with integrity and that the injustice which prevails in the world may not have the last word. Video will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
by Richard Houwing | 16 Jun, 2019 | Special
There is a perspective in theology that regards the event of Pentecost as the birth of the Church. On this day, the Spirit is poured out on the disciples. They are released from their disillusionments and their fears; they are enSpirited and emboldened to go out and to preach the Good News that the life of Christ is more powerful than death, that the self-sacrifice of his love has overpowered the forces of selfishness and suspicion, that the future stretches out beyond us as a constant invitation full of possibility. Our dead-ends have become new beginnings; our sunsets have been changed into dawns.
by Richard Houwing | 15 Jun, 2019 | Plenary, Spiritual Resource
by Fr Noel Connolly SSC, Plenary Council Facilitation Team Friedrich Nietzsche, the atheistic, “death of God” philosopher, was fond of taunting his Christian friends with: “I’ll believe in your redeemer when you look more redeemed.” Pope Francis in Evangelii...
by Richard Houwing | 7 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
I would like to ask you to look at the priests who work in our communities.
They are not perfect, but many give it their all until the very end, offering themselves with humility and joy.
They are priests who are close to the people, ready to work hard for everyone.
by Richard Houwing | 7 Jun, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
Heavenly Father and Eternal Shepherd, you watch over and govern your flock with vigilance and concern. In your immense love, grant to your Church a pastor who will please you by his holiness and aid us with his unfailing care. In your time, grant us the joy of...
by Richard Houwing | 6 Apr, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
Life Marriage and Family from the Diocesan Office for Evangelisation has a number of workshops to help address some of the parenting issues for families or would-be families including online influences.
by Richard Houwing | 22 Mar, 2019 | Bulletin, Special
Your Excellency,
The events of 15 March 2019 in Christchurch are etched indelibly now in our minds and in our hearts. Through you, I extend the sympathy of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay to the Muslim people of New Zealand (and Australia) who have been the target of this senseless brutality which we utterly reject and condemn. We stand with you in shock and in grief in the face of the evil that has been perpetrated.
by Richard Houwing | 10 Mar, 2019 | Special
In times of ravaging emotion, a thoughtful observation from an on-looker can name what seems beyond coherent thought or speech. The media-savvy Orthodox Jewish-American Rabbi, Shmuel (“Shmuley”) Boteach, made just such an observation during the...
by Richard Houwing | 10 Mar, 2019 | Special
In September 2018, the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay officially launched its Diocesan Office for Safeguarding, an initiative commenced under the leadership of former Bishop, Most Rev Peter A Comensoli. This significant development marked the first stage of a new...
by Richard Houwing | 22 Feb, 2019 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
During Lent our Parish encourages parishioners to come together in groups to pray and reflect on the coming Sunday Gospel and our relationship with the Lord. Click here to learn about the great resources the Diocese has prepared.
by Richard Houwing | 28 May, 2018 | Reflections, Spiritual Resource
Today we contemplate and celebrate the Most Holy Trinity, the mystery of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is a deep mystery of our faith – not a mystery to be solved, but the mystery of God who is a “communion of love” and into whose life we are invited for all...
by Richard Houwing | 13 May, 2018 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
A reminder that May is the month when we honour Mary as our heavenly mother. As a final gesture of love in his own Passion, Jesus turns to Mary, and says to his beloved disciple John: “behold your mother.” And from that time, John (representing all disciples) made a...
by Richard Houwing | 13 May, 2018 | Bulletin, Spiritual Resource
This weekend (13th May) marks the 101st anniversary of Mary’s first appearance to the three children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima. It was there that the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary appeared on six occasions in 1917. In her...
by Richard Houwing | 28 Dec, 2017 | Spiritual Resource
December 31, Feast day. Scripture tells us practically nothing about the first years and the boyhood of the Child Jesus. All we know are the facts of the sojourn in Egypt, the return to Nazareth, and the incidents that occurred…
by Richard Houwing | 30 Aug, 2017 | Special
On the major issues facing us as a society including the Royal Commission. Very thoughtful…
by Richard Houwing | 30 Jun, 2017 | Reflections, Spiritual Resource
How to choose joy in the midst of a trial; one couple’s journey from fertility issues to a problem pregnancy – 6 minute video.
by Richard Houwing | 27 Jun, 2017 | Spiritual Resource
A great podcast talk by Msg Charles Pope on prayer. Listen online or takeaway. Very relevant for all. Nourishment for the mind & soul.