Prayers for this time
Lockdown – a poem by Richard Hendrick (Irish Franciscan), plus many more Pandemic Prayers and a link to our common prayer page.
Lockdown – a poem by Richard Hendrick (Irish Franciscan), plus many more Pandemic Prayers and a link to our common prayer page.
Bp Anthony’s thoughtful seasonal video message (3.5 mins). Click to view.
There is a perspective in theology that regards the event of Pentecost as the birth of the Church. On this day, the Spirit is poured out on the disciples. They are released from their disillusionments and their fears; they are enSpirited and emboldened to go out and to preach the Good News that the life of Christ is more powerful than death, that the self-sacrifice of his love has overpowered the forces of selfishness and suspicion, that the future stretches out beyond us as a constant invitation full of possibility. Our dead-ends have become new beginnings; our sunsets have been changed into dawns.
Your Excellency,
The events of 15 March 2019 in Christchurch are etched indelibly now in our minds and in our hearts. Through you, I extend the sympathy of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay to the Muslim people of New Zealand (and Australia) who have been the target of this senseless brutality which we utterly reject and condemn. We stand with you in shock and in grief in the face of the evil that has been perpetrated.
On the major issues facing us as a society including the Royal Commission. Very thoughtful…