July 20, 2020
Please find below a link to a letter from Mr Danny Casey, Interim Director of Schools, sent this afternoon to the parish and school community of St Agatha’s, Pennant Hills.
I join Danny in thanking Kevin Bauer for his contribution as Principal over the last nine years, and in welcoming Michael Hopkinson as the new Interim Principal of St Agatha’s Catholic Primary School, Pennant Hills.
I also take this opportunity to welcome Michael and his wife Cathy as new parishioners of St Agatha’s Parish.
St Agatha’s school is an important and essential part of the parish of St Agatha’s. All of us committed to the life of the parish want our school to be a vibrant, faith-filled learning community. Bishop Anthony Randazzo has made it very clear to the Priests, Principals and School Staffs that he is deeply committed to providing the best possible Catholic education in the schools of the Diocese of Broken Bay.
I know many parishioners have close links to the school and want to see it thrive. With the Parish Pastoral Council and the parish community, as Parish Priest, I continue to actively support the mission of St Agatha’s School. May God bless us in this time of transition, and in the words of the motto, may we continue to glorify God in all things.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Paul Durkin