Dear Parishioner
Earlier this week, the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019 (Bill) was tabled in NSW Parliament.
If passed, it will make abortion legal up until birth in NSW, for any reason, as long as two doctors agree if the baby is more than 22 weeks’ old.
There has been no community consultation on this Bill. Attempts to rush the Bill through Parliament intentionally exclude the voices of all concerned citizens, including people of faith, from the debate.
We must act immediately to try and stop this Bill.
Please urgently contact your NSW State Member of Parliament and ask them to vote against this Bill.
David Elliot (Liberal) is the member for the Hills District
Phone (02) 9686 3110
Fax (02) 9686 3212
Details of MPs can be found at https://www.parliament.nsw.
Simply phone the electorate office during business hours and let them know that you are from the local area, and would like to ask the Member to vote against the abortion bill.
Some reasons you can provide for asking them to vote against the Bill include:
- It would allow abortion up until birth with the approval of two doctors, for any reason.
- It does nothing to provide alternatives for women who feel distressed at being pregnant and feel they have ‘no other option.’
- It provides no protection for women experiencing violence (According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 48 per cent of women who report violence from a former partner were abused during pregnancy, as are 18 per cent of women who report violence from a current partner.)
- It overrides conscience of doctors and other medical professionals or institutions, requiring them to disclose their objection and refer to another doctor or institution who will perform the abortion.
- It will leave unborn children and distressed pregnant women even more at risk.
- There has been no community consultation on the Bill.
- Voters have been denied the opportunity to have their voices heard in this debate.
Catholics believe that women and babies deserve better than abortion.
If you know a woman experiencing difficulty because of an unexpected pregnancy, please know that there is help available. The Church, through its many agencies, can provide support to women who feel they have no choice available to them other than abortion.
Thank you for your willingness to help in building a culture of life in NSW!
Click on the links below to read more
Diocese of Broken Bay strongly opposes Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill.
Bp Michael Mckenna (Bishop of Bathurst), Statement.