From the Office of the Vicar General, Diocese of Broken Bay.
There has recently been some confusion about restrictions in regard to singing in our churches. Some may have seen a recent directive from the NSW Chief Medical Officer in respect to this. The Archbishop of Sydney, supported by all the NSW Bishops and other religious leaders, have formally objected to the level of restrictions that have been envisaged by the Chief Medical Officer. Subsequently, in line with other religious leaders, Bishop Anthony has asked that we adopt the following protocol:
- Music is to be promoted as an essential part of our liturgies.
- Music can be played in our liturgies through an organist and other musicians using non-woodwind instruments. The musicians should be physically distanced from one another by several metres.
- The cantor should sing from several metres distance from the congregation.
- It is possible to have several cantors, distanced from one another, forming a small schola which itself is distanced by several metres from the congregation.
- Congregational hymns should not be used. Hymn books and/or projection of the words of hymns should not be used as such encourages louder singing.
- Simple chants for the parts of the Mass should be used. The congregation may participate in such chants in a way that is sensible given the current situation, and does not place those around them at risk.
- In respect to these norms, it is important to hold together both the sense of responsibility for the situation of the pandemic and our common sense about what is safe and sensible in conjunction with what is intrinsic to our celebration of the Eucharist. Bishop Anthony believes this can be achieved with the norms detailed here.
It is important now that everyone at our celebration wear a mask. People should be encouraged to bring their own mask. However, it is good for us to have a supply of them available at the church door for those who may have forgotten one. It is important that as priests we lead by example. It is good that the presider wears a mask at the commencement of the Mass and at the end, at Communion time, even though it may be removed for the proclamation of the Gospel and for the Homily. Masks should, of course, be used when greeting parishioners at the end of mass. For further guidelines about masks, including mask types and who should and shouldn’t wear them can be found here;