A message from our Parish Priest about the closure of the Church.

3:30 pm, Wednesday, 12 August, 2020

(same as an email sent around this time)

To the Parishioners of St Agatha’s, Pennant Hills:

In response to a visitor proving positive to a Covid-19 infection and as a precaution to protect the community, our parish church will be closed until Monday 24 August, and no Masses or other gatherings will be held in the church until then. Also, there will not be any meetings held in the parish offices and hall during this time.

The priests and parish team wish to ensure the health and safety of parishioners and visitors to Saint Agatha’s.

I shall record a video message to you this Friday morning, 14th August. This will be distributed later in the day to you by email and on our website at https://stagatha.org.au/cv-general-page/

Fr Paul Durkin
Parish Priest

2:30 pm, Sunday, 9 August, 2020

(same as an email sent around this time)

Please find below links to the media release from the Diocese of Broken Bay regarding the closure of Saint Agatha‘s Church until further notice, and the Guidelines issued by New South Wales Health for those who have come into casual contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid.  The media release can be viewed by clicking here.

The latest NSW Health Advice, Guidelines and Public Health Alerts based on locations are available here: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19.

We are doing all we can to ensure the health and safety of our parishioners.

Details of the exposure


  • St Agatha’s Church, Pennant Hills.

Exposure periods: 

  • 7:00 – 8:00pm Prayer meeting, Monday 3 August,
  • 6:30am Mass, Wednesday 5 August
  • 6:30am Mass, Thursday 6 August

NSW Health is in the process of contacting all those who were in close contact with the person on Monday 3 August at the prayer meeting, requesting that they self-isolate. Those who attended either of the masses, are to monitor for symptoms. As a precautionary measure, Bishop Anthony has closed the church, and a deep clean will occur this afternoon. The church will remain closed until further notice.

NSW Health Guidelines state: If you are feeling unwell, and especially if you have any flu-like symptoms you must cease work, stay home, isolate and get tested. Please be hyper-vigilant for COVID19 symptoms. These include;

  • fever (37.5 ° or higher)
  • cough
  • sore/scratchy throat
  • shortness of breath
  • loss of smell or
  • loss of taste.

Helpful resources

If you need advice or have questions, call the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

Link to NSW Health Frequently Asked Questions – https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/frequently-asked-questions.aspx#3-6

Find your nearest coronavirus testing centre in NSW – https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/how-to-protect-yourself-and-others/clinics

11:30 am, Sunday, 9 August, 2020

As advised in our email newsletter this morning, a parishioner who attended our Church has tested positive to Covid-19 and as a precaution, we are closing the Church for a deep clean. Mass will not be offered today and we will advise when the Church will reopen.

Further advice is expected later today.

We will keep you informed through our email broadcast and this website as soon as more information comes to hand. Join our email list here if you are not already a member.

If you feel ill or are displaying any of the symptoms you should be tested.

As a general principle, it is best to wear a mask in public or attending Mass. We wear a mask to protect ourselves and so that if we are asymptomatic that we do not spread Covid-19. Mask wearing shows you care for others.

Some people may be concerned about what to do next. Here are some guidelines from NSW Health: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/frequently-asked-questions.aspx#3-6