Fr. Paul Durkin

Fr. Harry Kennedy

Deacon Sam French


Due to Covid restrictions, this event has been postponed until the Sunday closest to the Feast of St Agatha – 7th February. For the full advice from the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Team please click here.

A new event for lunch after the 10:30 am Mass on 7th February (subject to Government restrictions) will be set up in Trybooking and registrations will open online two weeks prior (24th January) as will bookings for Masses on the weekend of 6th & 7th February. We will keep parishioners informed through our email newsletter and this website.

An opportunity to say thanks.

Many will be aware that our parish is undergoing some changes. Earlier this year, Fr Harry retired to the Forster region and because of Covid restrictions we were unable to celebrate his contribution to the parish and wish him well. Fr Paul and Deacon Sam are relocating to the nearby Parish of Wahroonga as part of Bishop Anthony’s reorganisation of the Diocese. Fr Paul has been our Parish Priest for over seven years and has made an invaluable contribution to the spiritual growth and pastoral care of individuals and many ministries in the parish. Deacon Sam has brought great joy, friendship and a deep commitment to our liturgies and pastoral work. It is fitting that we have an opportunity to come together as a community to express our appreciation and wish them every blessing for the future.

To formally thank and farewell Fr Paul, Fr Harry and Deacon Sam, we plan a parish lunch after the 10:30 am Mass on 7th February (subject to Government restrictions), however, this will be confirmed around 24 January, 2021. It will be held in the Martin Hall.

Registering to attend:
We will be setting up a new Trybooking link for you to register for the Mass and Lunch around 24 January, 2021.

Due to Covid precautions, we still need to practice safe distancing. When it becomes available around 24 January, please register your attendance at the farewell lunch via Trybooking (a new link will appear here), or call the parish office for assistance with this.

Bring food or drink:
You’re invited to bring some food and drink to share. Please indicate the food/drink you will be bringing on:

  • Trybooking, when you register to attend the lunch,
  • Complete the sign-on sheet in the foyer of the Church.

Helpers for Set up, Serving and Clean up:
If you are able to assist with set up, serving lunch and/or clean up after lunch, please indicate on:

  • Trybooking, when you register to attend the lunch,
  • Complete the sign-on sheet in the foyer of the Church.

Farewell Gift:
If you would like to contribute towards a farewell gift for Fr Paul, Fr Harry and Deacon Sam, collection boxes and the Tap’n’Go machine will be available in the foyer of the Church this weekend. If you are unable to attend the Church this weekend and would like to make a donation, please see the form below.

Messages to Fr Paul can be left by following this link
Messages can be left on the cards for Fr Paul and Deacon Sam in the foyer of the Church from this weekend.

If you have photos of Fr Paul or Fr Harry that could be included in a photo/message book to each, would you please scan and forward to by 2 pm Tuesday, 22 December.

Technical Assistance:
Andrew Kennaugh is looking for assistance collating/producing the photo books. If you can help with this, please contact Kerri in the parish office as soon as possible. Ph: 9484 1427

Thank you Mass
Due to Covid restrictions, this event has been postponed until the Sunday closest to the Feast of St Agatha – 7th February. For the full advice from the Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Team please click here.

A new event for the 10:30 am Mass on 7th February (subject to Government restrictions) will be set up in Trybooking and registrations will open online two weeks prior (24th January) as will bookings for Masses on the weekend of 6th & 7th February. A new link will appear on this page and on our Trybooking page. We will keep parishioners informed through our email newsletter and this website.

The Mass at 10:30 am on Sunday, 7th February, 2021 will be a thanks-giving Mass and will be live-streamed. The link remains the same –

The form is not published.