Join us at 12:00 noon (M-F) for the Scriptural Rosary online.

Each weekday at 12:00 noon a small group of parishioners meditate on the Scriptural Rosary and pray along. The Scriptural Rosary includes a little verse before each Hail Mary that allows us to more deeply reflect on Mary’s life with Jesus. It takes about 10 – 15 minutes longer than a usual Rosary. We usually gather online at 12:00 and start at 12:05.
Because online video can get a bit distorted if we all pray at once, everyone mutes their microphone during the Rosary apart from the leader when we pray. At the end, we can unmute ourselves and join in the Hail Holy Queen, etc.
You can join our online Rosary by clicking on the button below (it has the passcode already emended in it).
Connect to Scriptural Rosary If you already have Zoom installed it may ask you if you’d like to Join with; click in the dialogue box “Open“.
Alternatively, when you are in Zoom go to meeting 925 7546 8077 and enter Passcode: 159403.
You can also telephone in to (Sydney) 8015 6011 and enter in meeting 925 7546 8077 and Passcode: 159403.