As we recognise Christ the King, we are reminded that His is a Kingdom of love for all people:
“(At every Mass) We have the joy of breaking the bread of God’s word and we have the joy of breaking and receiving the Bread of the Eucharist, food for life’s journey.
All of us, none excluded, need this, for all of us are beggars when it comes to what is essential: God’s love, which gives meaning to our lives and a life without end.
So today too, we lift up our hands to him, asking to receive his gifts.
In the poor, Jesus knocks on the doors of our heart, thirsting for our love. When we overcome our indifference and, in the name of Jesus, we give of ourselves for the least of his brethren, we are his good and faithful friends, with whom he loves to dwell.”
Pope Francis

“Christ is at once above and below –
above in Himself, below in his people.
Fear Christ above, and recognize him below.
Here he is poor, with and in the poor;
there he is rich, with and in God.
Have Christ above bestowing his bounty;
recognize him here in his need.”
Augustine of Hippo (354-430 A.D.)