“The plan inherent in marriage is truly wonderful!
It is expressed in the simplicity, and also in the fragility,
of the human condition.
We are well aware of the many difficulties and trials
there may be in the life of a married couple..…
It is true that married life has many difficulties:
work, there isn’t enough money, there are problems with the children … and often the husband and wife become irritable and argue amongst themselves.
There are always arguments in marriages,
and at times even plates are thrown.
But we must not be sad about this: this is human condition.
And the secret is that love is stronger than the moments
in which we argue, and I therefore always advise married couples never to let the day draw to an end
without making peace.
There is no need to call in the United Nations peacekeepers. A little gesture is enough: a caress, see you tomorrow, and tomorrow we start afresh.
This is life, and we must face it in this way,
with the courage of living it together.
Married life is beautiful, and must be protected.”
Pope Francis: Catechesis on the Sacrament of Marriage, April 2, 2014