First Reading (Acts 4:32-35). This reading gives us a picture of how the first Christians lived community.
Second Reading (1 John 5:1-6). Christians are children of God, and show their love for God by keeping his commandments.
Gospel (John 20:19-31). When he touched the wounds of the risen Jesus, Thomas’ doubt was turned into faith.
The reading from Acts gives a picture of a Christian community that is truly faithful to the Gospel. It is a community of shared faith and shared possessions.
The Second Reading stresses the Christian vocation to love. Through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians have become children of God. They will show their love for God by keeping his commandments.
In the Gospel Jesus appears to his apostles, showing them his wounds and bestowing peace on them. Then he entrusts his mission to them, giving them the gift of the Spirit and the power to forgive sin.
Thomas’s profession of faith, ‘My Lord and my God’, is the supreme faith in statement of John’s Gospel. Thomas declares the faith of the Church!