First Reading (Genesis 2:18-24). God made man and woman for each other. The bond of marriage means they are no longer two but one.
Second Reading (Hebrews 2:9-11). By entering fully into human life, and by experiencing the bitterness of death, Christ became a brother and a saviour to all people.
Gospel (Mark 10:2-16). Christ teaches that the marriage bond comes from God and is therefore indissoluble.
The central point of the readings of today is the relationship between man and woman. First of all, it is the relationship of equals with neither superiority nor inferiority.
Secondly, the relationship between man and woman is complementary. The complementary nature of man and woman indicates that man by himself is not complete, nor a woman by herself can experience fullness.
Thirdly, the relationship between man and woman is reciprocal. It is not a relationship where one seeks one’s own advantage, while ignoring to respect the dignity of the other. Rather, it is a relationship which seeks to promote mutual growth. This relationship is of divine origin.
The principal motive of this relationship is the good of all: man and woman, the family and the society. Hence we can believe that the hope for the future does not depend upon great and new inventions, but upon human relationships which are loving and good, strong and sincere.