First Reading (Bar 5:1-9). Jerusalem is told to forget the sufferings of the past because God is going to bring back her exiled children to her.
Second Reading (Phil 1:3-6, 8-11). Paul urges his fellow Christians to prepare for the second coming of Christ by pure and blameless lives.
Gospel (Lk 3:1-6). John the Baptist urges the people to prepare a way for the Lord through repentance.
The prophet Baruch delivers a comforting message to Sion (First Reading). Her sorrows are ended and her children will be restored to her from exile. God will level a highway to facilitate their return, and bring about a great restoration. Even though the actual return from exile fell far short of the picture painted here, it did point the way to the messianic era.
This leads into the Gospel where Luke introduces us to the Messiah and his herald, John the Baptist. To underline the universality of salvation, Luke sets the event within the framework of world history. In the manner of an Old Testament prophet, John undertakes to prepare the people for the coming of the Saviour by calling them to repentance.
The Second Reading deals with the final coming of Christ. In his love for his fellow Christians, Paul urges them to prepare for the Second Coming by pure and blameless lives.
Please remember on Wednesday the 12th of December: 7.00pm 2nd Rite of Reconciliation in preparation for the celebration of Christmas will be held at St Agatha’s.