In the First Reading we are told of the first in a series of covenants which serve as a preparation for the covenant at Sinai. This in turn prepared the way for the new covenant God formed with humanity in Christ.
Like Noah, the Christian is saved by passage through water – the waters of baptism as in the Second Reading. It is through our baptism that we enter into the new covenant relationship with God, and that Christ’s victory over sin and death is communicated to us.
By baptism, we are ‘dipped’ (the literal meaning of baptism) into Christ’s death. We emerge from the waters soaked through with the risen life of Christ, so that Christ is our life. In baptism, we die with Christ in order that we shall also rise with him.
In the Gospel we see that Jesus was tempted. The Letter to the Hebrews says that Jesus was made ‘completely like his brothers and sisters. In him we have a high priest who can feel our weaknesses with us; for he was tempted in every way that we are, though he is without sin.’ (Heb 2:17-18).