Happy Mothers’ Day: We pray for all the mothers of the parish and wish you each a very special day, thanking you for your love and for the important role you play in our families, our church and our society. Almost all mothers understand that the love for her children is so like Christ’s love for us: generous, selfless, and unconditional.

For those who find Mothers’ Day difficult: We acknowledge that Mothers’ Day can be a painful and difficult time for some: for those whose mother has died, for those who have lost a child, for those who are estranged from their children or their mother, for those who are experiencing great stress within family life. As a parish community, let us be mindful of those who experience this pain, and let us pray that this may be a time of healing.

May: the month of Mary: A reminder that May is the month when we honour Mary as our heavenly mother. As a final gesture of love in his own Passion, Jesus turns to Mary, and says to his beloved disciple John: “behold your mother.” And from that time, John (representing all disciples) made a place for her in his heart, in his home. (John 19.26-27) The Rosary is recited daily before the 9.30am Mass. How do we each show our love for Mary, our Mother?