The Transfiguration celebrates the glorious revelation of Jesus Christ as Son of God, and Christ’s manifestation as the fulfilment of the Law and the prophets. Jesus’ radiant appearance on the mountaintop evokes the memory of the devouring fire of the glory of the Lord God at Mount Sinai (Exodus 24.17). Here at the Transfiguration, as at Jesus’ baptism, God claims him as his beloved son, in whom God is well pleased.

Matthew offers an enlightening account, with Christ accompanied by Moses, representing the Law, and Elijah, representing the prophetic tradition. With this vivid image, Matthew demonstrates the relationship of Jesus, the Word of God made flesh, to the tradition of Israel.

Jesus invites Peter, James and John into an intense experience where God manifests his glory and reveals his sheer delight in his beloved Son. Have you had special moments and experiences where God’s presence has been revealed to you? Do you take regular time to be alone with God in prayer?