Our Identity – Who are we?
As Joy filled disciples of Christ, we bring the love of God to life with all people in need.
Our Vision – Where are we going?
We envision a parish community that shines as a beacon of hope, compassion, belonging and renewal, all actively living our faith.
We look to our patron saint, St Agatha as an example of undying faith and courage, and praise God for her life and witness. We are inspired by our first Australian saint, Saint Mary MacKillop, in her courageous quest to “never see a need without doing something about it”. She calls on us to “Be a Gift of Love and Compassion to one another”. And encourages the world, to “Teach more by example than by word”.
Our Mission

Our Causes
What We Do
St Agatha’s Pantry – Our First Project, started Feb 2024.
The goal of the pantry is to provide accessibility to “nonperishable” pantry items (food, kitchen/ laundry,
toiletries, meals and cooking needs, breakfast items and snacks.) to those in need.
Tap to learn about our pantry.
Useful links for support
We look to connect people and organisations helping you find the support you may need.
Tap to see support links.
Opportunities to get involved
Become part of a team that is making a difference in our communities.
Tap to see our current activities.
Remote Op Shop
Remote Opshop Project supports the development of op-shops in Aboriginal communities throughout remote Australia.
Tap to see our current activities.
Bring peace and harmony
Advocate for peace in our world.
Tap to see our current activities.
Helping our First Nations people.
Understand & care for our First Nations people
Tap to see our current activities.
Many ways to give & change the world.
Many ways to give & change the world.
welcome to charity
Caring for Mother Earth and her children
“We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it.” (Pope Francis, Laudato Si’ paragraph 229)

Join our mission. Volunteer, Take Action, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: stagathas@bbcatholic.org.au