Sunday 22 August
An ecumenical national day of prayer has been organised on Sunday 22 August, calling Australia to come together in prayer in light of the current COVID-19 crisis.
It is an initiative of a broad range of Christian communities and includes the involvement of the National Council of Churches, Australia. The theme is Lord have mercy; and it calls on us to be especially united in prayer, both individually and – where we are able – in our liturgies. There will also be an online gathering with church leaders, offering prayers and reflections at various times during the day.
In addition, daily prayers will be offered in the week prior, from 16 August, as follows:
Monday 16 – Sunday 22 August
- A Daily Devotion will be sent out to those who register. Each Daily Devotion will include a prayer from a different Church leader.
A nightly Prayer Call at 8pm will take place with input from a different church leader each night.
Sunday 22 August
- A Prayer Call from 9:00am – 9:00pm on Zoom will feature Church leaders and Indigenous Christian Leaders. Participants can join for as long as they wish.
For more information and to register, visit http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org.au/LordHaveMercy/