Lent Sunday Gospel Reflection – 10:30-11:30am Tuesdays, 14th, 21st & 28th March in the Parish Centre.
Gathering Point – weekly for men and women to chat, share a meal, play cards and other activities. From 10am-4pm, Wednesdays, 15th March at the Parish Centre and 22nd & 29th March at the Leisure Learning Centre, Warne St, Pennant Hills.
Men’s Lunch – Tuesday, 14 th March from 12 noon. The Galston Club, 21-25 Arcadia Road, Galston. Please call the Church Office if you require car-pooling or transportation.
Ladies’ Lunch – Tuesday, 21 st March from 12noon. Hopetoun Café, Cnr Gowrie & Gough Drive (in the Anglican / Mowll Village), Castle Hill. Please RSVP to Parish Office (9484 1427) by 15th March so we can give the number attending and arrange transport.