St Paul

Saint Paul Painting In Orthodox Church Interior – BUCHAREST, ROMANIA .

Adult Faith Formation.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:11-13  NIV)

As we grow our needs and relationship with the world changes. When we were teenagers we may have been vexed with what is our role in life and what will the future hold? As adults and young parents we are compelled by the miracle of life and growth around us; and in the later years we often reflect upon how things have developed and what lies ahead. Along the journey we hit the occasional bump, face various crossroads, travel through valleys and across mountain tops. Our faith grows with us. We cannot rely on the simple teachings of our childhood or the perception gleaned through the prism of our youth. As adults, we have the opportunity to look at things more directly and, with a little wisdom of experience, interpret things in a better, more developed context.

Adult faith formation doesn’t have a goal of making people into something; rather it is intended to present and make available the richness and goodness of our faith to facilitate personal growth. We are each on our own personal journey, a work-in-progress, and it is the Holy Spirit that guides us and reveals God’s plan to us. To this end we look to provide within our parish occasional programs and an environment that support adult spiritual development. Some of these include:

  • Lenten Groups – each year as we prepare for Easter, we run a six week Lenten program that reflects upon Gospel readings at that time. These are usually carried out in small groups of 8 – 12 people in parish meeting rooms or people’s homes. Typically, our diocese has prepared audio-visual material to help facilitate contemplation, reflection and discussion. Please watch for announcements in the Bulletin or the Home page.
  • Gospel Reflection Group – meet usually on a weekly basis in small groups for informal discussions, prayer and sharing.
  • Prayer Group – meet to learn about and experience new forms of prayer.
  • Rite of Initiation for Adults (RCIA) – A faith journey for adults considering joining our Catholic community. Please see detailed page by clicking here.
  • Social Justice Group – Concerned with social justice issues in our society.
  • Legion of Mary – Meet each week to pray the rosary and to read and discuss together passages from the Gospel or other inspirational works. Also reach out to others with visits & other good works.

Should you wish to make an enquiry, please call the Parish Office on 9484 1427

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St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427  

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