We look to provide good stewardship of the gifts and resources that God provides us through the generosity of our parishioners. We have a Parish Pastoral Council that works with the priests in advising on parish projects. Secondly, there is a separate Finance Committee of independent parishioners that monitors and helps manage the finances. The parish is also accountable to the Diocese of Broken Bay and must report regularly throughout the year against the agreed plan and budgets. All of this ensures we are focused on the needs of our parishioners with transparency in our expenditures.
The Parish has limited resources and relies heavily upon the generosity of the parishioners for its on-going funding. These funds go to: the running of the parish, our outreach to seniors, visits to nursing homes, the youth in our own Catholic Schools and to our youth in State Schools. All this takes resources and staff (paid on a modest salary).
In our recent Parish Census a number of improvement priorities were identified, however this will be resourced from separate appeals over time. Included in parishioners’ feedback was: better resources for the musicians and improvements to our Church with air conditioning, a more functional crying room and improving the spirituality of the Church interior.
If you would like to donate as a once-off or contribute a little each week through our Planned Giving, please contact the Parish Office on 02 9484 1427, see our Planned Giving page or download the form below.
St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427